So geht das Leben und die Zeit vergeht wie im Wind. Es gibt soviel zu erleben. Wie bunt ist alles als Kind.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

IQ professional Playgrounder MIA

Yesterday afternoon the professional Playgrounder was kidnapped. After nearly 24h
missing IQ he has been found at the back door of his home and is in good condition except a small injury to his knee as he was trying to get into the home through the doggy door. We all are all happy that he is back and is well. The Kidnapper is still missing and if you have information to this crime or where to find the ruthless kidnapper please call toll free 1-FINDIQ


Saturday, August 13, 2011

A day on the beach with Sister Suomi (Linda)

While Easy still was asleep QI went out into the water.
After a good swim having a Yummie while QI try to block the logistics

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A day @ the barn

Yeah they are getting older. Thanks to the Appletree & Sauer macht lustig
